Michael Pawluk Architectural Services Ltd. provides a variety of residential and commercial architecural services from small to large. Successful projects have been designed and completed in a wide range of market sectors including residential, leisure, commercial and industrial. If you are considering a new building project please contact Michael Pawluk Architectural Services Ltd. to discuss your requirements.
We will visit you to discuss your project and talk through the stages and costs involved in seeking the relevant approvals and associated costs in connection the management of the build (if appropriate).
We will then provide you with a full written quotation detailing your requirements together with our fees and Local Authority charges and any other associated costs. In a majority of domestic and residential projects our services are provided on the basis of a fixed fee quotation.
Our services will include for a measured survey of the existing property / land and the preparation of computer generated survey drawings, comprising layout plans, elevations and site plans.
The preparation of computer generated scheme proposal drawings for discussion and development with the client to include design and access statements (a planning requirement for new housing, commercial projects and conservation area schemes) where applicable.
We will submit the application on your behalf electronically via the on-line planning portal facility and deal with any enquiries arising.
The preparation of more detailed technical/working drawings for Building Regulation and construction purposes showing fully dimensioned floor plans, foundation and drainage layouts, floor joist and rafter layouts, elevations and cross-sections with fully comprehensive construction/specification annotation.
Where applicable we will liaise with specialist consultants (i.e. Structural Engineer) as required integrating their design recommendations.
On completion of the detailed drawings, the submission of a Building Regulation application to the Local Authority or Approved Inspectors.
For the majority of residential domestic projects, clients usually seek quotations from builders on the basis of the approved drawings
Alternatively, the scheme can be executed by means of competitive tendering under a standard form of building contract with the appointed builder. Usually this would involve the preparation of production information, schedules and works specifications, and obtaining tenders on your behalf. Advice on the selection of a suitable contractor, inspection of the construction works and administration of a building contract. Such contractual conditions would make provision amongst other things for:
If you are considering a new building project please contact Michael Pawluk Architectural Services Ltd. to discuss your requirements.